table alias造句

"table alias"是什么意思   


  1. a correlation name table alias in a text command
  2. cannot be null and cannot be qualified with a table name or table alias
  3. how to : create table aliases
  4. table aliases are not accepted in the set clause of an update statement
  5. columns prefixed with table aliases are accepted in the set clause of an update statement
  6. It's difficult to find table alias in a sentence. 用table alias造句挺难的
  7. that is used as a reference to a column in a select list is accepted, but the table alias is ignored
  8. the following is the same example, except that table aliases have been assigned and the columns qualified with table aliases to improve readability
  9. the following is the same example, except that table aliases have been assigned and the columns qualified with table aliases to improve readability
  10. if the object being updated appears more than one time in the from clause, one, and only one, reference to the object must not specify a table alias
  11. the readability is further improved if table aliases are used, especially when the table names themselves must be qualified with the database and owner names


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  7. "table analysis"造句
  8. "table and chair"造句
  9. "table and swivel"造句
  10. "table apple"造句

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